Prior to the 9/11 attacks, most Americans did not have any understanding as to what Islam was. The attacks on September 11, 2001 opened the eyes of many people to the reality that Islam was a widespread plague upon humanity and responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Islam and its variants mean, in practice, bloody terrorism, deadly purges, lethal actions, forced ‘hijabs,” fatal deportations, extrajudicial executions, show trials, and genocide
Like Neda, a young woman whose chest was ripped up by the bullet of a murdering Islamist as she peacefully walked with a throng of peaceful demonstrators, Sahar's tragedy gives us a glimpse of the true face of Islamofascism and its brutality inside Iran. The Sahars and Nedas of Iran shall remain as an eternal testament to the depravity of Islamofascism and the horrors it has visited upon innocent people.
While the American people are busy with their daily lives, Islamic organizations across the land fueled by immense oil income from Arab nations, are hard at work via stealth jihad to infiltrate every aspect of American life and institutions. They intend to complete the Islamization of America in the same fashion they are engaging across the Western European continent. The difference is, we still have some time to put a stop to this invasion.
250 French intellectuals demand action on Islamic antisemitism. Muslims and their runnng dogs on the left were outraged, decrying it as islamophobia.
Time and again I have warned that Islam and the West cannot co-exist. Time and again, it was as though, I was talking to a wall. It appears it has become useless to speak of this issue. No one seems to care.
The Clinton role in the rise of Islamic irredentism has now come full circle. Bill Clinton might get the credit for the original Muslim tilt. Bosnia (1992-95) set the table for a series of interventions that gave birth to the so-called Arab Spring and any subsequent triumphs of Islamofascism. Ironically, Bill Clinton could be both righteous about civil wars in the Balkans and oblivious to genocide in Rwanda simultaneously.