freedom-muslimasDetoxification is the physiological or psychological removal of toxic substances from a living organism. Let me use a metaphor to help in understanding this process. Islam is a type of dependence inducing "potion." In the same way that; let us say, alcohol is. Millions and perhaps billions imbibe alcohol. A great majority of these consumers qualify as moderate and social drinkers. Drinking alcohol may do them some psychological good but may also exact some physical health problems and a monetary price. Yet, a vast number of human beings find enough "comfort" to put up with the monetary, health, relationships, and other costs of their drinking.

A certain number are the heavy drinkers who are severely dependent and reliant on the drug. And there are those who are infrequent drinkers. They may have some wine at Christmas or on their birthday. And finally, there are those who are teetotalers. They never touch the stuff. So, you have a kind of what statisticians call a normal curve that people distribute themselves along the drinking dimension as a bell-shaped function. Some are on one extreme, some on the other, and the great majority between the two extremes.

The same applies to Muslims. Islam is habit-forming. Just like alcohol. How strongly habit forming? It depends on the person and his circumstances. Is Islam "beneficial" to the person? Apparently yes it is. For some, it is life itself, just like the skid-row alcoholic, to others it means something, and yet to others it is something to be avoided altogether.

Mind Invasion
Islam, from its inception, discovered the crucial secret of getting to the young mind early by adhering to the dictum: Instruction in early childhood is akin to carving in a rock. In the same vein goes the Jesuit saying, “Give me a child until he is seven, and I will give you the man,” derived from the philosophy and theology of Saint Augustine. The immense importance of getting early to the young mind is also emphasized by non-religious doctrines as diverse as the Freudian psychoanalytic theory and Watsonian Behaviorist psychology.

Total or major replacement of beliefs, particularly as one gets older, becomes less likely, yet it happens occasionally. Paul’s sudden transformation from a rabid Christian-persecutor to a devoted believer of the faith of Christ is a familiar instance of such a dramatic change. Ideas, on the other hand, are much more amenable to change, replacement or discard as long as they do not substantially undermine the integrity of the main framework—the belief.

Short Answer
islam-mind-controlIn the same way that people need to go through detoxification programs to free themselves from physical dependencies, they also must undergo detoxification programs to wean themselves from Islam.

How to do that? The best way in my opinion is exactly what many concerned citizens, writers, bloggers and experts are doing. Explain and expose Islam and its harm. They also need to further expand the re-education effort greatly by writing and translating in their native Muslim nations' languages. Radio and television programs are also vital. It is a long process. Yet, the bottom line is this blind dependency on Islam that hooks the masses to its greatly enticing promises and provides easy answers for much of humanity's underclass.
Persian Enigma
I am very optimistic about the country of my birth. I believe Iran will be the first that carry the torch of liberty. This is indeed the dawn of a new era in Persian history, a true renaissance for our world. Over 1400 years of darkness has reached its inevitable end. People on the mountaintops are clearly discerning the rays of the new sun that inevitably will chase away the gloom of darkness. It is time to celebrate the new day by enlisting all of us in the work of ushering in the light of freedom and insuring that never again will it be replaced by the darkness and oppression of Islam. I am calling upon all Iranians, whether at home or abroad, to join this natural movement in ushering in the new day and to contribute whatever you can to make it a truly magnificent change of fortune for the new

Iran as well as for the entire home of humanity, by leaving Islam in large numbers.

It is going to be a slow process, much slower and much more difficult than we would like it to be. This Islam thing is a long-term deep dependency of many attractions to many. It is going to take a great deal of work and perseverance to free Muslims from its grip. As sad as it is, that's the way this world is: Far, far from perfect, and not even close.

Cultural Muslims
There are some 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, the overwhelming majority of which are “Cultural Muslims” who are generally called moderate Muslims.  Why moderate? Because they were simply born into Islam, where a great many of them never go through the process of deciding for themselves if they want to be Muslim. It is not a religion that they choose; it is a belief they inherit. For whatever reason, this great majority of these “Cultural Muslims” are Muslims of this type without fully toeing the line of Islam. Real Muslims are the jihadists, a small minority who lives and dies by the dictates of the Quran and the Sunna, the life examples of Muhammad.
freedom-and-islamIslam is a powerful magnet for the masses that are unable to deal with the uncertainties of life and death on their own. It is from this population, many already thoroughly indoctrinated from birth that the majority of diehard jihadists emerge.

Humanity has matured considerably since the time of Muhammad. In order to continue its forward march, mankind must follow a roadmap appropriate for its age and state of development. It is foolish to insist that a book, which demands terrorism and was written over 1400 years ago, must serve as the one and only guide for humanity. I believe that “Cultural Muslims” hold the key. They hold the balance of power.

The great majority of jihadists emerge from the ranks of those born into the religion of Islam, simply because they are the ones who are most thoroughly indoctrinated and influenced by Islamic dogma in their most receptive and formative early years. Yet, there are others who embrace Islam in adulthood, on their own, and enlist themselves as devoted jihadists for the same rewards that Islam offers them.

Within this sea of surging humanity composed of some 1.5 billion Muslims, each individual believer—a drop—through a combination of choice and forces beyond his control, ends up in one of its many waves. It is the jihadist wave that is highly attractive to the deeply indoctrinated and poorly adjusted in dealing rationally and independently with life. Here, he finds the ironclad perfect solution to his anxieties and perplexities.

To a jihadist, death is nothing more than casting off a shell of the worthless earthly existence and donning an angelic suit to wing joyously to a life of bliss promised by none-other than Allah’s beloved final emissary, Muhammad.
Eradication of jihadism is a daunting task, since Islam is truly a virulent and persistent pandemic disease. Massive education efforts, combined with resolute confrontation of all sources and people that support and promote detoxification of the mind of this deadly philosophy, hold the best promise of dealing effectively with this affliction of humanity.

Final Note
The best, yet most difficult resolution of this conflict is to do what hundreds of thousands of former Muslims have already done. They have abandoned the slaveholder Islam: they broke loose from the yoke of the exploitive clergy, renounced Islamofascisim, purged the discriminatory and bizarre teachings in the Quran and the Hadith, and left the suffocating tent of dogmatic Islam for the life-giving expanse of liberty.


Amil Imani is the author of Obama Meets Ahmadinejad and Operation Persian Gulf.

2012-01-14 01:54:10
Comments List
The past shows that only total military subjugation is effective. It's how they got to be Muslim in the first place. You take a native population kill the most combative, displace the remnant away from the natural resources in the area. And then police actions to crush what resistance may occur after. If this sounds harsh, it was done this way to the whole islamic world. Not to mention the Native Americans. It is the only historically accurate way to destroy a culture, and if this road sounds too rough, remember that talking away one's freedom happens only in democracies.

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The same issues are involved in the Christian faith. There are many that call themselves Christian but cannot explain the doctrines of the faith. Our country would be a much different place if all the people who said they are Christians acted in accordance to the tenants of the faith. So, in Islam you have those who are Muslim in name only just as you have Christians who are so in name only. The issue with the jihadists revolves around two groups of people that apply the teachings of the Koran. Those who are not motivated by religion but by power. They're the ones who recruit others to blow themselves up in the name of Allah. There is the other group, who may have another motive. They see Allah who weighs their sins against their good deeds and they, in their heart find themselves wanting. They know that based upon their good deeds they have no hope for heaven. But Islam tells them that if they die a martyr they are guaranteed paradise. There is no doubt in my mind that Islam is the religion of death, but made all the more so by those leaders who manipulate others to carry out their nefarious plans.

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Mr. Imani, your article is the latest in a long line of stories to speak of "moderate" Muslims - those members of the umma you identify as "cultural" Muslims who disdain jihad and sharia. In the days and months after 9-11 and in the years since, I have waited in vain for some tangible sign, some reasonable degree of evidence, that such people exist. My question to you is this: if "moderate" Muslims exist in large numbers, why are they so hard to find? One answer might be that they do not exist. Another might be that they exist but are intimidated into silence by their more aggressive and violent coreligionists. Either way, what is the practical difference? History clearly shows that a fanatical minority is often sufficient to pull a more "moderate" majority along in its wake, whether to war, tyranny or some other endpoint. Nazi Germany was a prime example of this effect in action. Estimates vary as to how many Germans were actually hardcore Nazis, but in the end, it didn't matter because - whatever the size of the silent majority - the most salient fact about it was that it did little to stop Hitler and the National Socialists. Islam is today in something of the same predicament. A highly ideological and committed group of hardcore jihadists are presenting waging war against the infidel world, while the rest of the Muslims on the planet sit idly by and do nothing to stop them. At what point does silence become acquiescence? For my part, seeing is believing... and to date, I have seen little evidence that "moderate" islam exists, let alone that it can exert a positive influence on events.

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The biggest problem is that a survey of mosques in the US showed that over 80% do not renounce Sharia Law. Radical islamists are not needed when sharia law and simply a will to follow it suffices, in spades.

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I have felt that Iran would be the first Muslim country to break way from Islam.Three major items that distinguish Iranians from Arab Muslims.1. Iran had an advanced civilization and philosophical faith of its own before it was destroyed by Arab armies. 2. Iran still retains its own native language. 3. Iranians are not Arabs but belong to the Indo-European group.

These cultural items can not be so easily exterminated. Sooner or later, Iranians will start to recall their own great civilization and indigenous faith. This has already started in the USA. All it requires is for a political/cultural earthquake to set the process underway.

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I am still waiting for the day when all of the so-called moderate Muslims around the world (out of the 1.5 billion) unite and raise their voices in unison against the violence and the intolerance of the so-called "radical Muslims" alleged to have hijacked Islam. And once they raise their voices, I want to see them continue to do so until Islam is forced to change and redirect its energies to a more positive role within the world after the so-called "radicals" have been ostracized. Waiting...

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Islam is a monstrosity that needs to be attacked and stamped out. It's fundamental nature is why the left likes Islam so much. They are two peas in a pod. Also the lower classes should never be allowed to run anything. You do not ask the lower class. You tell them. Mr. Imani is a strange, unrealistic dreamer.

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A good article and a correct one. Is the mindset of radical muslims any different from our typical Obama voter? Both essentially are intent on destroying the current order of things so that they can be elevated. Radicalized muslims are taught from the cradle that the west is evil, that Christianity or Judaism is evil, that the riches produced by others are rich plums out there to be taken by force, sound familiar? If you agree with this comparison, then look at all of the democrats you know or know about.

Some democrats are appalled at the direction their national party has taken over the past decades. Some democrats are small business owners, gun owners, church goers, just like normal traditional Americans. Then many democrats are the Obama lovers, the "99%ers", the university and MSM radicals, the radical jihadist's counterpart. The middle part of the bell curve for democrats would be the deadbeats that have been conditioned to stick their hands out for a handout and would keep the Obama end of the spectrum filled with followers.

Regardless, WE the people of the United States should have had the backbone and foreknowledge to not allow islam within our shores. To voluntarily allow a virulent strain of humanity to settle in our midst is simply asking for trouble when there was no need to do so.

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Dear Mr Imani, Two questions? Is there a written doctrine which differentiates the beliefs of the "jihadists" and the "cultural" Muslims ... how does one differentiate between the two?
You do not mention adherence to Shariah. How do the "Culturalists" view "the Law?"

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"Humanity has matured considerably since the time of Muhammad. In order to continue its forward march, mankind must follow a roadmap appropriate for its age and state of development."

I sincerely hope you're right, Mr. Imani, about Persia's picking up the torch of liberty. Your comparison between Islam and alcohol is worth pursuing, and could be expanded to include all religions, including the anti-religion of Marxism. I'd like to read a book, not an article. The self-styled "progressive" view of history regards humanity as maturing over time. I'd very much like to concur with it; I'm also afraid, however, it's an illusory view. We do, indeed, have far more material wealth, better health, and individual freedom in parts of the world, but most of Homo sapiens still live under autocracies or oligarchies with at most token individual freedom and little material improvement. I'm not sure the threat of mass annihilation has abated since Persia and Rome were mighty empires. I believe we need to question some assumptions and review the evidence, and try to measure the actual progress we have and haven't made. We need a measuring stick.

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