America: Still Defines Freedom
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The vast land of America was once inhabited by a relatively small number of indigenous people. These native 'Indians' had lived throughout the land for thousands of years, and they will always remain the true fathers of America. American Indians helped the Pilgrims survive the winter. Later, more European immigrants came, and American settlement finally outgrew the Indian fathers.
Then, on July 4, 1776, America declared its independence from England, the old white grandfather across the sea. The miracle of America happened, and its dynamic birth rapidly changed the entire world.
Persia Islamists Islam Freedom Cyrus america
The Challenge of Racism
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Racism is one of a number of "isms" such as egotism, sexism, classism, ethnicism, tribalism, religionism, and so forth that reflect corruption of potentially good human dispositions. Environmental influences such as the person's upbringing, education in the broadest sense of the term, and personal experiences combine to mold these potentialities within each one of us either as positive attributes or negative traits.
Racism Islam Human Rights Freedom egotism Amil Imani
Saluting Pamela Geller: a Champion of Liberty
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Tragically, during these times of great peril, truth is sacrificed by the politically correct, the myopic self-serving in the liberally dominated media, and the ruling class. Against this backdrop, a woman of great courage and integrity labors tirelessly in speaking the truth and in the defense of liberty.
Pamela Geller’s work in objectively revealing the true nature of Islam makes her a valued champion and defender of human dignity with liberty for all, and in particular, for women as longstanding victims of Islamic misogyny.
Robert Spencer Pamela Geller liberty Islam Freedom Amil Imani