Terrorist Attack at Free Speech Event in Texas: An Eyewitness Account
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Just recently two tickets and invitation had arrived for me to attend an important event on Sunday, May 3, 2015, an occurrence with major repercussions that few would have imagined but that underscored the occasion’s significance. The tickets came in an envelope from fellow counter-jihadist and friend Pamela Geller of the American Freedom Defense Initiative.
US Constitution Texas Terrorist Attack Robert Spencer Pamela Geller Muslims Islamic Terrorism Islam Garland Police Freedom of Speech Free Speech Event Charlie Hebdo Amil Imani
Ignorance of Islamic Terror Poses Greatest Threat
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The intention of this article is to provoke a much-needed debate on the nature of a phenomenon called "Islamic Terrorism." Most people in the United States assume that the phenomenon called "Islamic Terrorism" started after the 11 September 2001 attack on the World Trade Center in New York City.
World Trade Center Quran New York City Islamic Terrorism