It is a crime to remain silent in the face of evil, it is said. Thus, I am speaking up and urging other good men and women to raise their resonant voices while they can before they are brutally silenced by the ever-creeping Islamofascism.

-- Amil Imani

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The Story of the Liberty Gene

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“I am almost finished making you, except for inserting one last gene,” says God to man. “Yes Lord, can’t wait to get on my way,” replies man. “Now, since I like you, I will give you a choice in this very important last component. Do you want the gene that automatically conducts your life—the Reflex Gene; one that would make most of your decisions for you—the Instinct Gene; or, the gene that would empower you to make just about all your decisions yourself—the Liberty Gene?” asks God. “Lord, since you are, out of your infinite kindness, giving me a choice in this vital matter, can I have the gene that would give me absolute control over my own affairs? If not, I would settle for the Liberty Gene,” says man.


2009-02-19 13:23:04

Chaos, Crisis & Terror Serves the Islamic Republic

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Category: Our Archive

As the Islamic Revolution completed its third decade, it would not be too difficult to realize the reality and the fruits of its mismanagement during its imperial and revolutionary eras. Throughout the three decades of its existence, the Islamic Republic has managed, notably, to produce more hunger, extreme frustration and anger, prostitution at a record pace, drug addiction beyond control, child execution without any regard to the international human rights bylaws. There are many reports regarding cases of child sexual abuse and molestation reaching epidemic proportions. Prosecution and imprisonment of the innocent people and systematic and illegal abuse of detainees and hundreds of gruesome acts have also been reported.


2009-02-16 16:56:25

Good Hate, Bad Love

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“Love” is thought as virtue, while “hate” is considered vice. But not all forms of love are good and not all hates are bad. If you love to set buildings on fire, molest children, or steal, these are obviously bad loves. If you hate racism, sexism or injustices of all sorts, then these are good hates. Time and again, in response for exposing Islam for what it is, Islamists simply retort by calling me hatemonger instead of refuting my assertions. Hence, I am bringing my case to the fair-minded public to judge. I disapprove a great deal about Islam, its founder, its theology, and the crimes it has perpetrated throughout its history, past and present.


2009-01-30 21:20:05

Islam Demands Surrender

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What’s in a name? A great deal. Democracy, fascism, and communism represent different systems of government. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are also titles for different religious systems. Whereas democracy is defined as the rule of the people, by the people, for the people, Islam is defined as the rule of Allah, by Allah and his emissaries, for the pleasure of Allah. And when people, out of concern for political correctness or ignorance, describe Islam as a religion of peace, they are, at the very least, guilty of misrepresenting it.

The word “Islam,” is derived from the word “taslim,” which means surrender. The word for peace is not “taslim,” but it is “solh.” Hence, when Muslims behave in violent barbaric ways, they are only doing so in obedience to the dictates of their creed. They are surrendering and sacrificing anything and everything in service to the will and pleasure of Allah, as they see it.


2009-01-26 19:13:18

Islamism is to Religion as Sadism is to Human

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Category: Our Archive

It is not about God or love, it is about control and domination--just as Sadism is not about human intercourse or love, it is about control, torture, punishment and domination.   Why else name a so-called religion "submission?" Islam seeks nothing less than a total global domination.  The word Islam literally means “Taslim,” (submission) or just “surrender”, the kind that comes by force and fraud.  Its scripture must be taken literally; its provisions are intended to dominate every waking moment in the life of a believer.  There is no room for being a half-hearted Muslim and no toleration of watering down its invocations.

It's true that it is quite human to seek to control one's environment, just as the parent tries to control the child. The difference with the Islamic whack jobs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, et al is mainly in the level of their brutality toward those who do not share their particular mental affliction.   What a pitiful crop of miscreants has been raised in once-proud Persia. The Mullahs and their lackeys have tortured, raped and executed hundreds of little girls and little boys out of their abject fear of losing control. They are to be ridiculed and despised among men as the wretched, miserable, and entirely loathsome creatures that they are.     


2008-12-29 18:52:48

Baha’is: The New Jews

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We all need scapegoats. It is in our fabric. It is a potent human disposition to blame others for our failings. Without scapegoats to blame, we are forced to look at ourselves for our problems. Examining ourselves can be very disturbing, particularly when we either lack the resources or the willingness to tackle them. So, we take the good old easy way out of the mess by shifting our focus to the outside world for targets to blame. Look at young children. They are expert blamers. They always have an answer, someone or something to blame in self-defense. We, the chronological adults, don’t completely abandon our childish strategy of ascribing blames to external sources. We simply do so with a greater degree of sophistication by finding, if at all possible, a grain or two of truth to legitimize our attributions.


2008-12-22 00:57:13