It is a crime to remain silent in the face of evil, it is said. Thus, I am speaking up and urging other good men and women to raise their resonant voices while they can before they are brutally silenced by the ever-creeping Islamofascism.

-- Amil Imani

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Mosques & the Islamization of America

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Disguised as religion, Islam has penetrated democracies with the aim of replacing civility and liberty with the barbarism of 7th century Islamic theocracy and Sharia law. Islam’s multi-pronged attack aims to destroy all that liberty offers. America, with a long tradition of protecting religious freedom, still clings to the “hands off” practice of leaving alone any doctrine or practice billed as religion. A thorny problem is in deciding what constitutes a religion and who is to make that call. We must keep in mind that to be a loyal and faithful Muslim, a Muslim must adhere to and perform many obligatory acts, as specified in the Quran by Allah and the Hadith/Sunna, during his entire life.


2010-08-12 09:02:12

The Islam I Left Behind

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Category: Our Archive

Looking back, I see no particular time or event that, in one stroke, severed my link with Islam. There was nothing nearly as dramatic as what reportedly happened to Paul on the road to Damascus transforming him from a rabid Christian persecutor to a devoted follower of Jesus.

My alienation from Islam started as far back as I could discern things. More to the point, I never embraced Islam in the first place, although I was born and raised in a Muslim family.


2010-08-04 22:38:41

The Islamic Republic Is Not Iran

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Category: Our Archive

"We just don't get it. The Left in America is screaming to high heaven that the mess we are in, in Iraq and the war on terrorism has been caused by the right-wing and that George W. Bush, the so-called "dim-witted cowboy," has created the entire mess. The truth is the entire nightmare can be traced back to the liberal democratic policies of the leftist Jimmy Carter, who created a firestorm that destabilized our greatest ally in the Muslim world, the shah of Iran, in favor of a religious fanatic, the ayatollah Khomeini.” -- Michael Evans, Jerusalem Times, Jan 20, 2007 {C}{C}

In 1979, the U.S. Government, notably, Jimmy Carter and company, with the help of its allied forces created the greatest Islamic terrorist nation on the face of the earth  and spurred the rise of Islamofascisim elsewhere. In fact, Jimmy Carter by his mere  interference in another country betrayed the most valued friend to the West, the late Shah of Iran. Carter is perhaps responsible for the revival of Islamic terrorism-not only in Iran, but around the world, including in the United States.


2010-07-29 10:23:12

Islam Must Be Stopped In America

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Islam has spawned many sects that are master practitioners of the art of double standards. As far as Muslims are concerned, what is good for Muslims is not good for the non-Muslims; and what is bad for Muslims is good for non-Muslims.
What complicates matters is that there is no way of knowing which of the dozens of at-each-other's-throat sects is the legitimate Islam. As soon as Muhammad died, his religion of peace became a house of internal war: jockeying for power and leadership started, sects formed and splintered into sub-sects, and bloodletting began in earnest. 


2010-07-14 14:56:38

To My Loyal Friends & Readers

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By now, many of you have learned about my book: Obama Meets Ahmadinejad.  Please read the excerpt attached and obtain your copy from Amazon. People who have read my book agree that it is timely, important and funny, so don't miss it.

Thank you for your support. By now everyone knows about Obama’s surprise trip to Afghanistan a while back. That’s old news. What people don’t know about is the side trip Obama made to Iran to meet with none other than the charming president of the Islamic Republic himself, the little fellow with a big ambition of turning the world into one huge fireball with Israel at its epicenter. This little fellow, Ahmadinejad, longs to do things that would make the heinous deeds of Hitler seem like the works of a model three-badger Boy Scout by comparison.


2010-06-30 15:15:58

Obama Meets Ahmadinejad

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Category: Our Archive

"Amil Imani reveals a wickedly cutting satirist's eye as he sketches out an acidly funny meeting between Barack Obama -- imagined as a sharp-tongued but supine secret Sunni Muslim -- and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who is determined to remove the Great Satan as an obstacle in the way of the advance of Shi'ite Muslim world domination. As they spar verbally. Ahmadinejad runs circles around the hapless Obama, and in the course of the conversations reveals a great deal about Islamic supremacism, Iran, the Sunni/Shi'ite divide, and more. It's a dystopian fantasy, but with Obama appearing determined to appease the Islamic world at all costs, it's strikingly illuminating of the present-day predicament of America and the West."

--Robert Spencer, author of the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad


2010-06-27 22:35:35